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S. Korea's economic recovery ranked 9th out of 23 economies

2020-11-09 20

한국 경기회복 수준, 주요국 중 중위권..."K자형 회복 갈림길"

South Korea's economy is ranked around the middle in terms of recovery amid the COVID-19 recession it undergoes a "K-shaped" recovery.
According to the Korea Center for International Finance on Monday, ...the country's Brookings-Financial Times Tracking Index for the Global Economic Recovery, ...or Tiger index, ...stood at minus zero-point-76 as of August.
This ranks South Korea ninth out of 23 economies.
After plunging to minus five-point-93 in June, ...the country's Tiger index has been improving for two straight months.
Although the second wave of the coronavirus isn't included in the August figures, ...analysts are saying South Korea could see a "K-shaped" recovery, ...which occurs when different segments of an economy recover unevenly from a recession.