Juan Domingo Peron arriba al aeropuerto de Ezeiza en 1972

2020-11-07 28

Bs. As .: Report where the journalist Roberto Maidana comments: "The entrance to the Ezeiza International Airport, where the day has already cleared up. This Friday, November 17, 1972. In an instant we will begin to approach the Ezeiza station under The intense rain. The appearance of the facilities does not differ from that of any normal day. Closer, we will see how the device has been adopted, on the occasion of the arrival back to the country of Juan Domingo Perón. The Gran Hotel Internacional where As anticipated, the former president is going to stay. The security forces also have his headquarters here. " General views of a caravan of cars moving along the airport runway, and then Perón is seen getting out of the car to greet the people who are in the vicinity and who have come to receive him. Close-up of a bus of the company Automotores del Plata S.A., where the delegation that accompanied Perón in the Charter travels back to Buenos Aires. Report to the cinematographic director Leonardo Favio, in which he is asked: - Has Leonardo Favio also arrived on the Charter and is he waiting for the buses to take them to the disembarkation place; how are you Leonardo? - Do I want you to tell me something about how this trip developed; you have been the protagonists? - Was there some kind of special meeting with Perón on board or was it as if the passage corresponded to any common trip? -Leonardo, where are you going now, directly to the center? Close-ups of Mr. Deolindo Bittel near Leonardo Favio. Report to Doctor Raúl Matera, in which he is asked: -How are you? -Doctor, have you been in connection many times with this type of trip in which there was actually a different departure from Madrid; This was from Rome, were there any special features? -Doctor Matera, do you know more or less, tentatively, the program that Perón intends to develop here? Report to the soccer player José Francisco Sanfilippo, in which he is asked: -How are you? -What can you tell us? Report to the boxer Abel Cachazu, in which he is asked: -What can you tell us? -Did we have information, even from our special envoys to Rome, about Peron's plan of action; Did you particularly do something special, different, from the acts in which you also participated? (Roberto Maidana)
Date: 11/17/1972
Duration: 9 minutes 50 seconds
Film Code: D-00128

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