Harish Kalyan is an Indian film actor who has predominantly appeared in Tamil language films. He made his acting debut in Sindhu Samaveli (2010) opposite debutante Amala Paul, before being noticed for his performances in Poriyaalan (2014) and Vil Ambu (2016).
We all know that Harish Kalyan and Raiza Wilson of Bigg Boss fame are teaming up for a romantic comedy. Now, the film has been titled as ‘Pyaar Prema Kaadhal’. To be produced by music composer Yuvan Shankar Raja and ‘Baahubali 2’ distributor K Productions, the film will be directed by Elan.
Host - Cibi Chakravarthy, Camera - Karthick.B, Muthukumar, Edit - Senthil Kumar, Associate Producer - Karthick.K, Rajaram.S, Chief Sound Engineer - Raghuveer Rao, Chief Video Editor - Hassan, Channel Manager - Karthick.J, Prasanth Balaji, Producer - Dhanyaraju.
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