California Uber and Lyft Drivers Will Remain Independent Contractors

2020-11-06 28

California Uber and Lyft Drivers
Will Remain Independent Contractors.
Proposition 22, a ballot measure allowing ridesharing
companies to continue utilizing drivers
as independent contractors, passed
in California on Wednesday.
This means that the companies continue
to be exempt from state labor laws, .
though they will offer a wage floor and limited driver benefits under the new initiative.
The ridesharing companies have often contested that they are tech companies, not transportation companies, .
and should not be subjected to
transportation rules and regulations.
Labor advocates disagree with Prop. 22 because drivers are essentially treated as employees without receiving the benefits of an employee.
We can’t just allow them to control what the future of work looks like. Somebody has to stand up for the future of workers, Lorena Gonzalez, California Assembly member, via 'The New York Times'