2020 Jeju Forum focuses on multilateral cooperation during COVID-19 pandemic

2020-11-06 19

제15회 제주포럼 개막…팬데믹 극복 위한 다자협력 모색

At the annual Jeju Forum's 15th edition... world opinion leaders put their heads together to discuss ways the international society should develop multilateral cooperation to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our Kim Dami is at the event and sends this report from Jeju.
Restoring multilateral cooperation and solidarity.
That's the essential spirit and aim agreed to on Friday at the 2020 Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity.
In his remarks, former U.S. President Bill Clinton said the world needs to seek win-win cooperation, pointing out the importance of sustaining a unified, interdependent community in difficult times.
Clinton added that the stakes of embracing the cooperation model have never been higher.
Echoing that point, the governor of Jeju-do Province, Won Hee-ryong, noted that the coronavirus crisis is a problem that can only be solved through international cooperation.
"COVID-19 does not discriminate based on race, religion or national boundaries. Countries must engage in multilateral cooperation in developing vaccines, strengthening disease prevention systems and overcoming the economic crisis."
The panelists also acknowledged the need to come up with a new security paradigm.
"The pandemic poses a different type of threat to humanity than war and conflict between countries that were traditionally regarded as a security threat. Therefore, we need a new security paradigm that broadens our views and helps us to address non-traditional threats such as a pandemic."
There was also a special session on South Korea's COVID-19 response and the role of the media... hosted by the Korea Foundation and moderated by Arirang TV news anchor Jennifer Moon.
There, panelists shared their views on how South Korea and other countries have managed the pandemic from the perspective of the global media.
"The challenges posed by this crisis have also underlined the significance of global leadership.
The participants voiced hope that the next U.S. administration embraces inclusive multilateral cooperation based on the universal values of liberal democracy and free markets.
Kim Dami, Arirang News, Jeju."

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