Despite proof right there, he would deny he made the comparison; the fact is he still put 3 and 8 together and pretty much insulted people like I.
He also complained to any semblance of challenge, such as rolling into the end of enemies' attacks, said numerous times "This game is trash" and "Who likes this?!", as if his opinion is the most true, and never said "But hey, that's just my opinion".
Just admit you suck at the game instead of spitting your venom like you did throughout your shitty playthrough and the fact you did an hitless run also doesn't shield you from being criticized for treating fans of the game like they're idiots.
Remember people, just because someone loathes something you like doesn't mean you are wrong for enjoying it, just play what you want to play.
A Mediocre Theater may also be in the works.
I do not make a cent off this type of videos, but if you see ads, that's because of the music he played.