Chiranjeevi starrer Sye Raa’s teaser was launched in Mumbai. Chiranjeevi, Ram Charan, vijay Sethupathi, Kichcha Sudeep, Tamannaah Bhatia, Farhan Akhtar, Ritesh Sidhwani, Ravi Kishan and Amit Trivedi were present for the teaser launch. Malaika Arora slays in her neon green gym wear as she hits the gym. Vicky Kaushal was all smiles for the shutterbugs post his gym session. Prabhas and Shraddha Kapoor looked amazing in their check print attires as they promoted their film Saaho in Mumbai. Legendary actress Dimple Kapadia was seen post shopping. Fashion diva Amrita Arora was spotted post her yoga session. Raveena Tandon was seen in traditional wear at an event in the city.