Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) president Sourav Ganguly on Thursday confirmed that the T20I match between India and Bangladesh in Delhi will go ahead as planned. While speaking to media persons, Dada said, “We have spoken to Delhi authorities in last 2 days, they are expecting the match (India-Bangladesh 1st T20) to go through, we couldn't cancel it at last minute. Post Diwali is a difficult time in the North because winter comes in and a lot of smoke and dust.” “In the future when we schedule, especially in the Northern part of India in the winter we will have to be a little more practical. I have spoken to the groundsman he says once the sun comes out, it will be fine,” he added. The first T20I of the three-match series between India and Bangladesh is scheduled to be played at Arun Jaitley Stadium on November 03.