Shah Rukh Khan's daughter Suhana turned 20 on May 22. Needless to say, BFF Ananya Panday was among the first ones to wish the birthday girl on social media. Ananya shared a throwback pic and expressed how much she is missing her best friend amid the lockdown. Ananya Panday's mother Bhavana and Sussanne Khan, who are close friends of Gauri Khan also reacted to the picture of the duo. Shilpa Shetty & Raj Kundra celebrated son Viaan’s 8th birthday on May 21. Alia Bhatt says she cannot wait for the lockdown to get over as she is excited to step into her new office and conduct meetings & script reading sessions there. Alia collaborated with art director Rupin Suchak to set up her office space. Alia got her new summer look, thanks to Ranbir Kapoor, reveals Karan Johar. In a video shared by a Twitter user, the street lights are seen fluctuating and loud noise is audible similar to the one in Bengaluru. Hrithik replied to the post saying, ‘That’s a strange coincidence!’ Rakesh & Hrithik Roshan have locked the script for Krrish 4. There are massive plans to get Jadoo back to earth after 16 years. Late actor Irrfan Khan’s son Babil has shared some beautiful moments from the acclaimed actor’s life. Babil shared some pictures of his father spending time with school kids at his farmhouse. Babil has been occasionally sharing unseen pictures and videos of his father on social media.