Bhubaneswar Sky Looks Mesmerising In Purple & Pink After Cyclone Amphan Passes Over Odisha

2020-11-04 23

While the nation is fighting against the deadly coronavirus, one more tragedy hit the country hard. The Eastern part of India was hit by a massive cyclone called Amphan on May 20. The cyclone battered Bengal & Odisha destroying thousands of homes, uprooting trees and electric poles. However, Bhubaneswar has some respite now. After the devastating cyclone passed over the city, the skies had a pink and purple makeover. Twitter was filled with pictures of the beautiful sky with messages inspiring people to not lose hope. Beautiful pictures of the sky was surely a pleasant sight for many who endured a scary few hours as cyclone Amphan caused devastation before moving to Bengal. The sky turned into a large, mesmerising painting in purple-pink. PM Narendra Modi will travel to West Bengal & Odisha on May 22 to take stock of the situation in the wake of Cyclone Amphan.