Congratulations Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan! The couple shared great news on August 12 that they are expecting an addition to their family. Kareena Kapoor's father Randhir Kapoor is thrilled about his daughter's second pregnancy. Soha Ali Khan, Ibrahim Ali Khan, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, Rhea Kapoor and others wish the couple. Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt were spotted at Sanjay Dutt’s residence, a day after it was announced that he had been diagnosed with lung cancer. Ranbir played Sanjay in a blockbuster biopic, directed by Rajkumar Hirani. The two will be seen together in the upcoming film Shamshera. Alia and Sanjay will be seen together in the upcoming film Sadak 2. Arshad Warsi who had worked with Sanjay Dutt in the hit Munna Bhai series, said Sanjay would emerge a winner as he is a fighter. Mahesh Bhatt’s Sadak 2 is at the centre of a controversy even before its release. Within no time, the trailer became the most-disliked video on YouTube. The trailer at 3 pm on August 13 had garnered 6.3 million dislikes. With more than 21 million views, the video has only 342K likes. A campaign to make it the most disliked trailer on YouTube was initiated by fans of actor Sushant Singh Rajput. . Pooja Bhatt has reacted to the trailer of her upcoming film, Sadak 2, being targeted online. Pooja said that she is pleased that the chatter around the film’s trailer has made it the number one trending video on YouTube. Alia’s mother, Soni Razdan, reacted to Pooja’s tweet and wrote, “Smart girl and absolutely true.” Diljit Dosanjh shared a rather funny video where he got into a 'clash' with Amazon's virtual assistant Alexa. The video shows Diljit asking Alexa to play a certain song but unfortunately, the virtual assistant keeps getting it wrong. The video is sure to leave you in splits as Diljit and Alexa keep misunderstanding each other. The very handsome Tiger Shroff was spotted in the city.