Europe Reacts to U.S. Presidential Election

2020-11-04 27

유럽이 바라보는 미 대선: 런던 현지 로이터 기자 연결

Over the past four years, Donald Trump has upended the principles that have guided U.S. foreign policy for decades.
He has withdrawn the U.S. from multilateral agreements, including the Paris climate accord and set in motion a U.S. pullout from the WHO amid a global pandemic.
In Europe, where Trump is deeply unpopular in most countries, some are looking to the potential for a transatlantic reset while others view U.S. political fissures with worry.
We now go over to London where Natalie Powell with Reuters joins us live.
Hi there, Natalie. With the election result still shrouded in uncertainty, what has been the reaction so far from the UK?
When it comes to Foreign Policy with Europe, where do the Donald Trump and Joe Biden differ... because they clearly do?
And then there’s climate change, Trump and Biden seem to be on opposite ends of the spectrum.
Depending on who wins, what are the expectations in Europe?
Natalie Powell with Reuters reporting for us out of London. Thanks, Natalie. Great job.

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