S. Korea reports 118 new COVID-19 cases on Wednesday

2020-11-04 12

국내 코로나19 신규 확진자 118명... 국내 98명 해외 20명

South Korea reported 118 new cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday,... returning to triple digits again for the first time in three days.
Of them, 98 were locally transmitted, most from the greater capital area... with 39 from Seoul and 41 from Gyeonggi-do Province.
20 were from overseas.
Health authorities are staying alert as cluster infections keep popping up from places that are hard to monitor,... such as family gatherings, dining places and gyms.
The colder weather is also one of their concerns.
Meanwhile, a reporter who visited Samsung Medical Center on October 26th for Samsung Group's late Chairman Lee Kun-hee's funeral has tested positive.
Others who attended the funeral are getting tested.