The Haunting At Woodland Hills Movie trailer - Plot synopsis: A wounded fugitive (Cris Cunningham) on the run and hiding from the law breaks into a dilapidated house and discovers the skeletal remains of the owner. After reading letters between the man and his estranged son, he sets out on a quest to reunite the dead.
Horror, Thriller
Cast | Cris Cunningham, Dee Ann Newkirk, Walker Haynes, T.J. Maxwell, Richard Miraan, Don Bondi, Jason Zahodnik, Carlee Zabel, Brayden Armes, Carl Charroux
Production Company | A Stream In The Desert
Director | Jeremy Casper
Writer | Jeremy Casper, Cris Cunningham
Producer | Jeremy Casper, Kelly Erickson, Walker Haynes
Executive Producer | Jeremy Casper