Maulana Fazl ur Rehman is on his way to the Capital and he has four well-equipped luxury containers for his Azadi March. Each container is given to Maulana by each of the province. The amount spent on each container is reportedly 25 lacs. Containers are set with all necessities such as a small bedroom, toilet, air conditioning etc. The one container in which Maulana Fazl sleeps is also bullet proof. For more details, watch this exclusive video of Maulana Fazl’s lavish container.
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#AzadiMarch #Containers #FourContainers #LuxuryContainers #25LacsOnASingleContainer #ExpensiveContainers #MaulanaFazl #MaulanaFazlurRehman #MaulanaMarch #BulletProofContainer #WellEquippedContainers #JUIF #JUIFContainers #JUIFMarch #AzaadiMarch