True Story Of A Martyred Pak Army Soldier Who Still Meets Loved Ones Through Dreams

2020-10-30 2

In Islam, a martyred is not considered as dead because the one who sacrifices his life for the sake of goodness and peace is always alive. Allah Almighty has mentioned many rewards for the martyred and high ranks in Jannah. The value and status of a 'Shaheed' cannot be compared to any other rank in Islam. Among a long list of Pak army martyrs, Lance Naik Taimoor Aslam was martyred by Indian Army during L.O.C firing on August 15, 2019. Many people conceded his contended appearance in their dreams. The family is proud to sacrifice their brave son for the country. Let's know about the whole story in the video.

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#ShaheedInIslam #MartyerdInIslam #PakAmry #Islam #RewardsForMartyrs #Jannah #Heaven #PakArmyMartyrs #LanceNaik #TaimoorAslam #IndianArmy #LOC #Pakistan