Pakistan Army Has Appointed First-Ever Hindu Major To Serve The Country

2020-10-30 1

Pakistan has been always respected and valued its non-Muslim minorities. The green in Pakistan's flag shows Muslims and white represents minorities. Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Parsis, etc all are working with Muslims across all sectors in Pakistan. One such example is Major Dr. Kelash Garvada. Pakistan army appointed him to serve in the Ministry of Defence Pakistan. It is for the first time in Pakistan's history, a Hindu proudly wears a green flag on his chest with his army uniform. He has won several awards for his capabilities i.e Tamgha-e-Difa, Tamgha-e-Baqa, and Tamgha-e-Azam. He spent approx 36 days at K2 the world’s highest Army post during operations against terrorism i.e Operation-Almeezan in Waziristan, and Operation Rahe-Nijant in Swat. He has proudly represented Pakistan in Dubai, Spain, France, Uganda, Egypt, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, and Switzerland. Let's find more in the video.