101 Chuck Norris Jokes To Make You Laugh; But Please Don't Tell Chuck Norris

2020-11-01 5

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Want more knowledge ? This channel is about any particular topic relating to the social interest of a society, culture, civilization, community or a country, which may be communicated by a range of some non-specialist media. In simple words, general knowledge is the knowledge of every aspect of the human life, which may or may not be a part of his academic studies. It is also evident that this knowledge may or may not be of some great importance to a person and also may not be related to him or his community. There can be various areas identified as different domains of general knowledge like arts, discovery, games, politics, culture, film, medicine, history etc. Hence it would not be wrong to say that general knowledge covers almost all the aspects of human life. However, the main branches of general knowledge can be classified as follows:

Current affairs
Physical Health and Recreation
