Diplomats from S. Korea, Japan discuss series of issues, including wartime forced labor

2020-10-29 18

스가 취임 후 첫 한일 국장급 협의...강제징용 등 현안 협의

Seoul and Tokyo held talks today on a series of thorny issues,... including Japan's wartime forced labor of Koreans.
Kim Jung-han, a senior foreign ministry official, sat down this morning with his Japanese counterpart Shigeki Takizaki in Seoul.
These were the first director-level talks since Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga took office in September.
It's likely that they have discussed compensation for the Korean victims of Japan's wartime forced labor, Tokyo's export curbs on Seoul,... as well as Japan's controversial plan to dump contaminated water from Fukushima into the sea.
They could have also discussed a trilateral summit among South Korea, Japan and China, slated to be held in Seoul this year.
The Japanese diplomat also met Seoul's top nuclear envoy Lee Do-hoon.

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