Germany to impose partial lockdown in November to curb outbreak

2020-10-29 14

독일도 11월 부분 봉쇄 도입...식당, 술집, 여가시설 폐쇄

Germany has announced a partial lockdown in response to the spiraling number of COVID-19 cases in the country.
Chancellor Angela Merkel says Germany will impose an emergency month-long shutdown of restaurants, bars, theaters and other leisure facilities an effort to prevent "an acute national health emergency."
Unlike the first phase, ...schools, kindergartens and shops will stay open ...and restaurants will be able to provide take-out food.
The new restrictions, dubbed a "lockdown light," are take effect from next Monday to November 30th.
The government plans to spend nearly 12 billion U.S. dollars in compensation for businesses hit by the shutdown.
Europe's largest economy has confirmed a total of over 463-thousand cases ...and more than ten-thousand deaths from the virus.