Doomsday On June 21? Mayan Calendar Was Wrong & World Will End This Week, Warns Conspiracy Theorist

2020-10-28 11

Coronavirus, earthquakes, storms, we have already experienced a lot these past six months. While we continue our struggle to deal with the ongoing situation, here's a new update for you that will definitely send shivers down your spine. As per the conspiracy theorists, the Mayan calendar which predicted the 2012 apocalypse was read wrong and the world will end on June 21, 2020. The Mayan calendar's prediction shocked everyone and now another conspiracy theory states that as per the Julian calendar we are in the year 2012 and not in 2020 which is why the previous theory went all wrong. Scientist Paolo Tagaloguin a now deleted tweet explained how. If we follow this theory, then June 21, 2020, will actually be December 21, 2012, which was proposed by some as the end of the world. NASA has totally dismissed these claims as just plain conspiracies and no evidence. However, as soon as the theory spread on social media, many took to Twitter to express their horror.