Two wildfires in southern California cause 100,000 evacuees and 2 severely injured fire fighters

2020-10-28 5

' 악마의 바람 ' 미국 캘리포니아 어바인 산불, 10만명 대피령

Two wildfires that broke out in Orange County in southern California on Monday have nearly quadrupled in size.
As of Tuesday, more than 1-hundred-thousand people have been evacuated from their homes.
And, among some 5-hundred firefighters that were dispatched,...two are critically injured.
The city of Irvine, under threat from one of the fires, is home to many Korean residents.
The Korean consulate in LA has so far reported no injuries, but asked people to be on guard.
Authorities say,...high winds combined with dry air is fueling the fire's spread.