As Trump's Chief Of Staff Puts His Foot In It Again, WH Staffers' Patience Grows Thin

2020-10-27 32

President Donald Trump's fourth Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, is not winning any popularity contests among the president's aides.
In a jaw-dropping exchange Sunday with CNN's Jake Tapper, Meadows said bluntly, 'We are not going to control the pandemic.'
A Trump campaign adviser said there is widespread frustration over Meadows' comments, as well as his leadership more broadly.
Sources say Trump remains displeased with how Meadows handled the crisis surrounding his own bout with coronavirus.
Early in the crisis, Meadows came to view the White House coronavirus task force, led by Vice President Mike Pence, as largely irrelevant.
He has not intervened as Dr. Scott Atlas, a radiologist with no experience in public health, undermines health experts and poo-poos mask-wearing.
Besides downplaying the pandemic, Meadows has encouraged Trump to carry on his large-scale rallies, despite a nationwide surge in cases.