Video of Killer Whale Swimming With a Pod of Dolphins Is a Fascinating Sight to Behold

2020-10-27 147

Fishermen from Chatam experienced something very rare as they spotted a killer whale swimming with a pod of Dolphins in the waters of Cape Cod. Got Stryper Fishing Charters captain, Kelly Zimmerman and two other fishermen, identified as Charlie Whitcomb and Greg Gibbs, captured the orca racing with a pod of dolphins for an unbelievable 22 seconds. Zimmerman later told the Herald, “It was kind of breathtaking to be honest.” The rare and beautiful act was filmed, during a 15-hour tuna scouting expedition where Zimmerman and his team also spotted 100-150 other whales. These whales are popular to feed in the area. As per The Atlantic White Shark Conservancy though orcas have been spotted off Cape Cod in the past, the occurrence is very rare.