S. Korean gov't goes all out to back Yoo Myung-hee's bid to become WTO chief

2020-10-27 20

문대통령, 트뤼도 캐나다 총리에 '유명희 지지' 호소...유명희 막판 뒤집기 가능할까

The South Korean government is doing all it can for Yoo Myung-hee's bid to become the next World Trade Organization Director-General.
With the consultation process to end Tuesday, President Moon Jae-in continued with his phone diplomacy... this time speaking with Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Moon said that Yoo is the leader who can find common interests between the advanced and developing countries... and to carry out WTO reforms.
Yoo is facing off against Nigerian candidate Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala( - ) ...who is being backed at least by 27 EU nations, 55 African states and Japan.
But with the U.S. in support of Yoo... and China yet to make its decision, Seoul's Trade Minister could still have a chance.

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