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America's top infecti"/>

Safety, effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccine to be decided by early December: Fauci

2020-10-26 3

파우치 소장 "코로나 백신 대량 접종, 내년 말에나"

America's top infectious disease expert has expressed cautious optimism that experts will know by December whether a potential COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective.
Kim Hyo-sun reports.
U.S. infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci says the decision on whether a potential COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective will be decided by early December,... but stressed it would take time to have it widely available.
"So the amount of doses that will be available in December will not certainly be enough to vaccinate everybody. You'll have to wait several months into 2021."
Speaking with the BBC on Sunday, the Director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases added that having a substantial proportion of the population vaccinated could happen sometime during the second or third quarter of 2021.
He also explained that health care workers will likely to get vaccinated first,... as well as individuals who are in the category of being at an increased risk for complications.
Asked whether he believes President Trump is correct in saying the U.S. is "rounding the corner" in the course of the pandemic,... Fauci said it was untrue.
The U.S. reported a record of nearly 80-thousand new COVID-19 infections for two straight days through Friday and Saturday.
The worst outbreaks are being witnessed in the north and Midwest,... with some 35 of the 50 states are seeing increases.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.