Daily figure of COVID-19 cases in S. Korea returns to double digits at 77 on Sat.

2020-10-24 1

코로나19 신규확진 77명, 사흘만에 다시 두자리로…수도권 59명

Let's begin with the COVID-19 situation here in South Korea.
The daily number of confirmed cases has returned to double digits at 77 on Saturday.
The country had seen over a hundred cases daily for the past three days.
Among the 77, 66 were local transmissions, and most of them are from places that are vulnerable to cluster infections, such as senior centers and medical centers.
And health authorities remain on high alert as the daily COVID-19 figure could go up following sporadic cluster infections popping up among small gatherings and workplaces.
With two more new deaths, the death toll now stands at 457.