The Supreme Court on Friday held advocate Prashant Bhushan guilty of contempt of court for his two tweets criticizing the judiciary. The SC will decide the sentence on 20 August. The offence is punishable by up to six months in prison or a fine of up to ₹2,000 or both.
The order on the suo moto case was passed by a bench of justices Arun Mishra, B.R. Gavai and Krishna Murari.Two tweets brought Bhushan, a critic of the government and a lawyer known for taking up liberal causes, under fire from the court. The first was about a photograph showing Chief Justice S.A. Bobde sitting on a high-end Harley Davidson motorcycle; in the second, Bhushan gave his opinion on the role of the last four chief justices of India.
CJI Bobde took twitter by storm when a picture of him on a Harley Davidson went viral. Sharad Arvind Bobde, the 47th and the current Chief Justice of India, was spotted in Nagpur riding a Harley Davidson. he picture of him on the bike went viral on social media. However, the CJI was spotted in the image without a mask. In an interview with the press, right before his appointment as the Chief Justice, Bobde had expressed his love for bikes. "I like to ride bikes. I used to have a Bullet." In 2019, he reportedly fell off a Harley Davidson. He was pictured sitting on a 'Limited Edition CVO 2020' Harley Davidson.
00:00 Start
01:04 Who is Prasanth bushan
02:45 S A Bobde rides Harley Davidson
04:39 punishment for prasanth bushan
06:23 Prasanth bushan says
Host - Sakthi tamilselvan| Script -A.Palaniappan | Camera -kannan | Edit - Shreeraj
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