The temple town of Madurai in Tamil Nadu celebrates the Chithirai festival, which includes the coronation and divine wedding of its presiding deity, goddess Meenakshi with Lord Sundareswarar, every year.Spread over a month, Madurai decks up to celebrate its annual flagship event the Chithirai Thiruvizha which also marks the visit of Goddess Meenakshi’s brother, Lord Azhagar or Vishnu.Most rituals and ceremonies related to the festival have been cancelled as well. But, the celestial wedding will be performed in a simple way in the first corridor of the sanctum by four priests. #Chithiraifestival #Chithiraithiruvizha #Meenakshitemple #Meenakshitemple #MaduraiMeenakshitemple #Maduraichithiraifestival #Madurai
Voice - Soundarya | Script -Muthukumar. M | Edit - Lenin
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