TTV Dhinakaran New Party: Dhinkaran & Team fire challenge against ADMK

2020-10-21 0

Recently Cooker symbol and Amma Ani party name was allotted to TTV Dhinakaran. Pughazendhi, Information dept says they are ready for the competition and we will be winning in this race. If you can keep the local body election by tomorrow also and fires a open challenge to OPS, EPS and Jayakumar. Day after tomorrow TTV Dhinakaran planned to announce his political party name in Melur, Madurai. Thanga.Tamilselvan says we can easily defeat ADMK and TTV Dhinakaran is the next CM of Tamilnadu as lot of cadres are following us. Watch this full video to know the strategies and upcoming plans of TTV Dhinakaran.
Host & Script -Se.Tha Elangovan | Camera - Hariharan | Edit - Arun B
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