Tamil film actor Stunt Dheena tells Tamilnadu government is treating north Chennai peoples are their votes machines, just to use them for votes. He says there is no proper roads, school, drinking water available in this area, as the resident of North Chennai Dheena slams TN government and they don't take any proper decision for this area in particular. Why do politicians offer money during the election is just to turn peoples towards them and make them to cast their vote for them. Rajini announced his political entry but he didn't begin his journey yet. Kamal announced his political entry and launched an app called Maiyam-Whistle on his birthday, all of a sudden unexpected Vishal filed his nomination for R.K Nagar election and got rejected as well. Dheena says actors can concentrate on their career instead of getting into politics. Finally he keeps request to TN government to provide proper school to educate the kids and proper roads, provide good water for the residents. Watch this full video to know more.
Host - Se.Tha. Elangovan | Camera - Hariharan, Sathiyamoorthy | Edit - Jackin Skims, Arun Kumar.P
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