Director Ameer is a Tamil film director, producer and actor. He directed and produced tamil films. He shares his film experience. He was close with Naam Tamilar Party's chief Seeman, they are good friends and supporter of Naam Tamilar party. Kamal confirmed his political entry and launched an app Maiyam-Whistle app on his 63rd birthday to solve the problems of general public, on other hand Rajinikanth also said he will enter into politics soon but they both didn't start their political journey yet. All of a sudden Vishal files nomination in R.K Nagar elections and got rejected and later on its accepted. Once TTV Dhinkaran said Vishal is his binami and we both work together for the welfare of R.K Nagar residents. director and actor Ameer questioned the motive behind actor Vishal’s decision to contest in R K Nagar by-elections. Director Ameer says now he is not coming into politics, if that kind of situation comes definitely i will enter into politics. Vishal is in hurry and doesn't know much about the politics and so on.
Ameer shares his journey with Seeman and usury interest problems in his film career. Watch this full video to know more!
Host - Cibi Chakravarthy | Camera - Muthukumar, Dinakaran | Edit - Rajasekar
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