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The UN Comm"/>

United Nations Command pays respects to UN soldiers who fought in Korean War

2020-10-22 5

"희생을 기억하겠습니다" 유엔군사령부 참여 첫 참배 행사

The UN Command and numerous foreign diplomats on Thursday visited the southeastern port city of pay their respects to the UN soldiers who defended South Korea during the Korean War.
This is the first time that the UN Command held a commemorative event at the UN Memorial Cemetery to remember the fallen heroes.
Around 50 figureheads, including Deputy Commander of UN Command Stuart C. Mayer, attended Thursday morning's event.
In addition, the 75th 'UN Day Ceremony' will be held this Friday from 11 AM.
And during 'UN Week', events will be held across the city of Busan, to honor soldiers who sacrificed their lives.
A total of 16 countries sent troops to the Korean Peninsula during the 1950 to 1953 conflict.

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