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Obama gives stump speech for Biden, directly attacking Trump

2020-10-22 15

첫 구원등판 오바마의 격정연설…지지층에 "여론조사 안주말라"

With less than two weeks until Election Day, former U.S. President Barack Obama has made his first in-person campaign appearance in support of Democrat Joe Biden.
And it was fiery rebuke of President Donald Trump.
Eum Ji-young has the story.
Former President Barack Obama slammed his successor in a blistering speech seen as his most direct attack on President Trump to date.
"He hasn't shown any interest in doing the work or helping anybody but himself and his friends or treating the presidency like a reality show that he can use to get attention."
This was his first in-person campaign appearance on Wednesday local time on behalf of Democrat contender Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris in Philadelphia.
Obama questioned Trump's tax policies and his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and mocked him over reports saying he has secret bank account in China.
"Listen, can you imagine if I had a secret Chinese bank account when I was running for reelection? You think, you think Fox News might have been a little concerned about that? They would have called me Beijing Barry."
Encouraging people to vote, Obama compared the process of democracy to getting in shape through exercise.
Results aren't achieved right away, but with persistence, he said, one day you can look like Dwayne Johnson, "The Rock."
Meanwhile, election expert Douglas Schoen noted that Biden has a significant lead in the national polls, unlike Hillary Clinton in 2016.
He cited a comparison by RealClearPolitics of the poll averages at this point in 2020 and 2016, saying that Clinton was 5-point-6 points ahead of Trump while Biden has a lead of 8-point-4 points.
But pollster Robert Cahaly, the head of Trafalgar Group, said polls don't account for 'shy Trump voters' and Trump is likely to be re-elected with their support.
Trafalgar Group was one of the few in 2016 that showed Trump ahead in key states on the eve of Election Day.
Eum Ji-young Arirang News.