How to Find Ethical Porn That Makes You Feel Physically And Emotionally Satisfied

2020-10-21 1,023

Want to feel better about your porn choices?

Iman Hariri-Kia, Bustle's sex and relationships editor and the illustrious host of No Shame Sex Ed, chatted with Ayesha Hussain, a sex & porn coach and porn activist, to get a definition of ethical porn, a helpful checklist to keep in mind when watching porn AND a couple of websites to get you started.

So does ethical porn mean you can’t go to PornHub in a pinch? Or maybe you should just be watching porn for women categories? Well...not exactly. This is No Shame Sex Ed after all! Use this expert’s advice to be a better consumer of porn - just like you would for food or clothes! Sure sometimes McDonald’s is what you want and what you need, but is it really what you want to eat everyday?

No Shame Sex Ed is an inclusive, sex-positive series that talks to the experts in order to give you real ways to explore and improve your sexual experiences.