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President M"/>

President Moon welcomes police reform to gain people's trust

2020-10-21 9

문대통령 "경찰 스스로 개혁 노력…국수본 완결성 높여야"

President Moon Jae-in has expressed thanks to the South Korean police for their efforts to reform and win the respect and trust of the people.
Speaking Wednesday at an event for National Police Day,... he said the adjustment set to take place under his administration... of the investigative powers granted to the police will raise the independence and responsibility of police investigations.
The long-cherished wish of the police is being achieved through reform by legislation, and so I call on the police to establish an investigation system that is based on fairness and professionalism.
President Moon noted that the police have pushed for 330 reform tasks and have systemized their investigations in a way that better protects human rights.
He called for determined efforts to establish the envisioned autonomous body for investigations,... saying this will win the police more public trust in their capabilities.
President Moon said the government will also do its part to support police officers and reform regulations that could hinder law enforcement.