Buenos Aires and its nocturnal charm. Close-ups of the El Nacional Theater façade and illuminated posters of other rooms. General views of people walking along Lavalle pedestrian street. Close-ups of the Etam, El Trébol, Modart and Sistema Delgado stores. Close-ups of the façade of the Tabaris Theater with the staging of the magazine "Los reyes en Tabaris". General views of the public waiting to enter the room. Very brief sequence of the Buenos Aires magazine. General views of people spending the night at the "World 78" confectionery, located on Corrientes street. General views of people attending the rock "El palo borracho" to listen to folklore, also the performance of various groups is observed. General views of people dining at the restaurant-concert "El cerrojo del Juglar", in the San Telmo neighborhood; a vocal group and solo guitarist are also observed. General views of people spending the night in "El viejo warehouse", where they observe the performance of an orchestra, a couple dancing tango and Edmundo Rivero singing. Panoramic view of Corrientes street at night.
Date: 1978
Duration: 2 minutes 48 seconds
Film Code: F-00998
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