People guilty of DUI collisions to pay more in compensation

2020-10-20 2

22일부터 음주운전 사고내면 부담금이 최대 1억6천500만원

The South Korean government's crackdown on DUI collisions has led to changes in car insurance guidelines.
Anyone found to be at fault while under the influence of alcohol will be required to pay even more in compensation than before.
There are also changes to the law involving electric scooters with victims now able to be reimbursed for any hospital bills.
Jang Tae-hyun has more.
Due to changes to car insurance reimbursement guidelines, starting from Thursday,... people driving under the influence of alcohol will be required to pay even more in compensation if they cause an accident.
Those liable will now be personally required to pay a maximum of 144-thousand U.S. dollars in damages, an increase of 96-hundred dollars.
South Korea's financial supervisory service says that the change will save on insurance payouts involving drink driving offences...and will lead to a zero-point-four percent decrease in insurance premiums.
There are other changes, too.
Should someone be involved in accident with an electric scooter rider, the cost of any damage incurred can be covered by the victim's car insurance company.
For electric scooters to be completely covered by insurance, 'personal mobilization devices' will be added to the category for reimbursement... due to take effect starting November 10th.
For instance, if an e-scooter rider is at fault and refuses to pay damages, the victim can receive financial compensation for any hospital treatment from their own insurance company... which will then demand compensation from the rider.
To do so, the victim is required to report the e-scooter rider and provide details of the accident from the police report to the insurance company.
Jang Tae-hyun, Arirang News.