ACT – Assessing low Carbon Transition new methodologies development (Chemicals, Pulp & Paper, Glass and Aluminium.

2020-10-19 3

ACT – Assessing low Carbon Transition is a joint voluntary initiative of the UNFCCC secretariat Global Climate Agenda co-founded by ADEME and CDP. ACT provides sectoral methodologies as an accountability framework to assess how companies’ strategies and actions contribute to the Paris mitigation goals.

This video is the recorded webinar delivered on the 15th October 2020 providing information about the benefits, timeline and requirements to join the ACT Technical Working Groups (TWGs) for the new sectoral methodologies developments including Chemicals, Aluminium, Pulp & Paper and Glass. ACT methodology development follow a multi-stakeholders approach and is a unique opportunity for participants to debate and contribute their expertise regarding the low-carbon transition requirements for the sectoral activites decarbonisation and identify opportunities for improvement.
More information on our website