Japan's Ubiquitous Vending Machines Are Struggling as Citizens Avoid City Centers

2020-10-15 666

There are still wacky surprises inside the 5 million vending machines that are currently operational in Japan.But the goods are being dispensed a lot less frequently than they used to be.The sales volume of drink-filled vending machines in Japan has fallen by about 35% this year.Many suspect it's due to the ongoing pandemic which has kept locals away from their offices and out of downtowns.The fact that Japan currently has a ban on travelers from 159 countries and regions hasn't helped either.But vending companies are trying hard to adapt and overcome in the pandemic's changing landscape.The Japanese company DyDo is adding two-packs of face masks and 10-packs of antibacterial wipes to its machines.And consumers might notice some new foot-operated machines, which have bigger-than-usual buttons at the bottom