ACB praised by Lindsey Graham for being 'unashamedly pro-life' - News Today

2020-10-15 14

Lindsey Graham promised a Supreme Court seat is 'waiting' for Amy Coney Barrett as he praised the nominee for her pro-life views and attacked fellow senators for making the hearing about other issues.'This is the first time in American history that we've nominated a woman who is unashamedly pro-life and embraces her faith without apology, and she is going to the court,' Graham lauded. 'A seat at the table is waiting on you.'He continued: 'I have never been more proud of a nominee than you.' Graham claimed during his allotted 20 minutes Wednesday that female conservatives and conservatives of color have 'a hard time of it.' He said their contributions are marginalized by those on the left because they 'come out on a different side of an issue – particularly abortion.' Barrett spent much of Tuesday fielding questions related to her personal pro-life views, especially if she would be in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade, which Democrats fear would be the case if she were confirmed.The 48-year-old nominee, however, remained a stonewall in saying she would not comment or commit to which way she would lean or rule in future or potential cases, adding she had not made any pre-commitments or promises. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Graham kicked off the second day of questioning by tearing into his colleagues on the panel – specifically vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris.'Senator Harris mentioned about how much more candid Justice Ginsburg was,' Graham said. 'And, with all due respect to Senator Harris I don't agree with that.'Notably, Barrett referenced Ginsburg's words from her own confirmation hearing when refusing to commit to how she would rule or if she would recuse herself from specific cases. Graham continued: 'This hearing has been more Obamacare than it has about you. Obamacare is on the ballot.''Today is about you. And today is about whether you're qualified to serve on the highest court in the land,' the South Carolina Republican said.Barrett arrived at the Hart Senate Office Building Wednesday for the third day of her confirmation hearing – with her large family again in tow. As Barrett faced her second day of grilling from senators on the Judiciary Committee, a new poll released Wednesday morning shows she is gaining popularity among registered voters.A Politico/Morning Consult survey shows 48 per cent of American voters want Barrett's confirmation to get through in contrast to a previous poll that showed only 37 per cent felt President Donald Trump should choose the next Supreme Court Justice.And this survey also shows support from Democrats for her confirmation jumped by 13 points.Barrett, 48, walked into the first day of the Senate Judiciary Commit

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