Ataque escuela de suboficiales de infanteria de marina en Mar del Plata 1973

2020-10-13 27

Mar del Plata: Report where a journalist expresses: - "We are in front of the school of non-commissioned officers of the marine infantry. Today and at 0.15, according to a statement that has just been delivered to us, depending on it, an attack was registered to this infantry school from abroad. Versions make it known that the attack had been carried out not from the road but from the tamarisk mountains that exist on the seashore. The school of marine infantry non-commissioned officers is located in Punta Mogotes next to to the lighthouse so well known by tourists who visit Mar del Plata. In a statement that school authorities have just handed over to us, it is stated that fire was opened on the sentries from the outside, endangering their lives. Alerted the guard reacted and rejected the possible infiltration, no victims or detainees were registered despite the raking carried out for which they had the immediate collaboration of the police of the Buenos Aires province. We just told him that according to the statement from the infantry school there were no injuries in the attack this morning, but talking with guard personnel he told us that it was all by pure coincidence, since one of the soldiers was found with his helmet perforated side to side side. By throwing himself at that moment, he prevented this attack from having fatal consequences for said sentry. "
Date: 4/17/1973
Duration: 1 minute 39 seconds
Film Code: B-10753

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