Donald Trump infects Covid-19- China benefits immediately - China news

2020-10-08 9

Donald Trump infects Covid-19: China benefits immediately.
The Chinese economy has just benefited immediately after the news that President Donald Trump was infected with Covid-19 and candidate Joe Biden is said to be winning, according to the South China Morning Post.

The Chinese yuan's value rose to its highest level in 17 months after Mr Trump infected Covid-19 and could be at a disadvantage in the presidential race.

On October 6, 1 dollar was exchanged for 6.7 yuan. This shows that the Chinese economy is gradually flourishing again in the face of the instability of the US rival.

According to the South China Morning Post, the information about the yuan appreciation is very positive for the Chinese economy. A number of recent polls have shown that the rate of support for President Trump is declining following a debate with candidate Biden, especially after the news of Trump positive for Covid-19.

“Investors say that Mr. Biden has a higher chance of winning than President Trump. Mr. Biden is a person who does not support the use of tariffs, trade war to solve problems with China. China economy is starting to show signs of prosperity again, "said Ken Cheung Kin-tai - economic analyst at Mizuho Bank - commented.

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