War News - The Argentine patrol boat opened fire on the Chinese fishing vessel, Xi Jinping banned fishing

2020-10-07 15

The Argentine patrol boat opened fire on the Chinese fishing vessel, Xi Jinping banned fishing.
Argentine coast guard opens fire on Chinese fishing vessels.
A ship belonging to the Argentine coast guard shot at a Chinese fishing vessel it claims was fishing illegally within the country’s exclusive economic zone.
on Saturday, the coast guard cutter, the Mantilla, fired warning shots at the Hua Xiang 801, a 72-meter Chinese-flagged trawler, which Argentina claimed did not have its Automatic Identification System turned on while fishing for squid around one kilometer inside Argentina’s territorial waters. The vessel ceased fishing when it was confronted, then made a run for international waters after turning off its running lights. After being followed by the Mantilla, the Chinese jigger then made aggressive maneuvers in the direction of the Argentina vessel, prompting it to fire warning shots.

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