Francisco Manrique - Ricardo Balbin - Emergencia institucional 1973

2020-10-06 4

Bs. As .: Journalistic note at 1100 Talcahuano street where the meeting between the leader of the Radical Civic Union (UCR), Dr. Ricardo Balbin and Mr. Francisco Manrique at his home, ended. Report to Ricardo Balbin: -What was the balance of this third interview? - Are you going to have a fourth interview after this one? -Doctor, are you satisfied with today? - With what predisposition did you find your interlocutor? Report to Francisco Manrique: -What is the balance, Mr. Manrique? - Have you agreed to make some kind of joint attitude regarding the situation in the country in the immediate future before the elections, new management, new contacts, a joint meeting? - Is Francisco Manrique still a contestant? - This institutional emergency that is coming, what is the point of view of the citizen Francisco Manrique to the elections that are going to take place again on September 23? (Sergio Villaroel / Magnetic)
Date: 1/8/1973
Duration: 2 minutes 57 seconds
Film Code: B-07653

Copyright DiFilm Archive - Buenos Aires - Argentina
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