China major exercises in four seas - China news

2020-10-05 15

China major exercises in four seas.
For the second time in two months, China conducted major exercises in all four seas.

This week, China's military held two exercises in the South China Sea, one in the East China Sea, two in the Yellow Sea, and one in the Bohai Sea this week. Many reports say that most of the exercises have shot real bullets.

The Sputniks news agency quoted Collin Koh, a researcher at the S Rajaratnam International Research School at Singapore's Nanyang University, as saying that China's drills were probably aimed at recent US and its allies' activity. in the above areas.

In order to train its combat-ready force, China regularly organizes exercises, but rarely does a series of exercises take place at the same time.

Last month, the Chinese military conducted similar major drills. The defense ministry said the drills were not aimed at any particular country.

On August 31, answering questions to suggest Vietnam's response to China's information about the country's military exercises and missile firing in the South China Sea, including the Paracel Islands and archipelagos. Vietnam's Truong Sa, Foreign Ministry spokesman Le Thi Thu Hang stated:

Vietnam's stance on China's exercises in the South China Sea was stated in a statement by the Foreign Ministry spokesman on August 26.

Vietnam's consistent view is that all activities in the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagos of Vietnam without the permission of Vietnam violate Vietnam's sovereignty over these two archipelagos, not in favor of peace, stability, order, security, safety, freedom of aviation and navigation in the South China Sea.

During the regular meeting on August 26, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared that the success of China's exercises in the Paracel archipelago area violated Vietnam's sovereignty over this archipelago.

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