China 'benefits' after a debate between Donald Trump and Biden - China news

2020-10-04 14

China 'benefits' after a debate between Donald Trump and Biden.
Not Trump or Biden won the chaotic first debate, experts say China is the "winner" of the confrontation.

In the chaotic, ugly presidential debate like a September 29 "train accident" in Cleveland, one of the few things Donald Trump and Joe Biden find in common is anti-China attitudes. .

But the two criticized each other for being too soft with Beijing. Trump accused Biden of being "blindfolded" by China during his time as vice president. In contrast, Biden attacked Trump for praising President Xi Jinping "doing a great job" at the time of the Covid-19 translation.

Although Beijing does not want to be the subject of the overall US election, and the rare consensus points to a growing wave of anti-China in Washington. The debate is also supposed to lift spirits in the Beijing capital, according to James Griffiths, commentator for CNN.

For decades, Beijing has often criticized American democracy. Advocates of reform and liberalization in China will have to answer for the US failures, why it is better than China's system of economic stability and growth. The Trump-Biden debate has helped strengthen that view of Beijing, as well as undermining global beliefs about American democracy, according to Griffiths.