Stephen Colbert wishes Trump and Melania 'a speedy and full recovery' - News Today

2020-10-04 17

For any copyright, please send me a message. . The comedian sent his support to the couple during the opening monologue of his late night CBS comedy show on Friday Colbert appeared somber during the segment - a drastic departure in tone for the funnyman who has spent the past four years mocking Trump at every available opportunity. 'Now, say what you will about the president, and I do, this is a serious moment for our nation and we all wish the president and the first lady of the United States a speedy and a full recovery,' Colbert stated. 'I really think it's important for all of us to separate the man from the office – and I hope on November 3 we literally do. But for now, I find it troubling, moving even, to see the President of the United States be taken to the hospital and to imagine the responsibility those service members flying that helicopter must feel'. He added: 'I'm worried for the President of the United States.'Scroll down for video As of Saturday afternoon, Trump remains hospitalized at the Walter Reed Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland 'out of an abundance of caution'. The First Lady remains in isolation at the White House. Colbert was praised on Twitter for 'taking the high road' and 'showing a great deal of class' with his wishes for the couple. The comedian often opens his nightly show by poking fun of the President, which led to a war of words between the pair back in 2017. That year, Trump told TIME that Colbert was only making fun of him in a desperate bid for ratings and that his show had been 'dying' before he became President. Meanwhile, Colbert hasn't been the only prominent liberal to be praised for a 'classy' response to news of First Couple's COVID diagnoses. MSNBC host Rachel Maddow also sent well wishes via Twitter on Friday morning.'God bless the president and the first lady. If you pray, please pray for their speedy and complete recovery - and for everyone infected, everywhere. This virus is horrific and merciless - no one would wish its wrath on anyone. We must get its spread under control. Enough,' she wrote. Share this article Share , saying: 'As someone who has had Covid-19 and still suffers from post-covid syndrome, I can honestly say with all that I am that I wouldn't wish this virus on my worst enemy. Please wear a mask.' Trump's presidential rival Joe Biden also said that he was 'praying' for his recovery. The Commander-in-chief's other arch political rivals, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, also sent their well wishes.

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