Early on in our Youtube commitment, Dad wanted to talk about sex. Dad and I have always been very open, and Dad always keeps God first in any discussions. I do the same. So taking on the subject matter of sex would and could only be done from a position of love. We shot the video in July and then showed it to the family in August. This was to be our first video because I thought it was funny, entertaining, and most importantly glorifies God.
My family did not agree. I recorded the immediate reaction as Dad and I came back in to the studio after “the intervention.” I will show that first after a few words from me, and then play the video “DAD WANTS TO TALK ABOUT SEX.” I moved back the premier of this video for a month in order to compromise with my family.
I, David, eventually spoke with the Holy Spirit, and was overcome with encouragement. We then go back into the studio and record after that, and you can tell the difference.
Thank you for watching the video, LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT, AND SUBSCRIBE, if you like what you saw.