U.S. State Dept. committed to advancing diplomacy with N. Korea

2020-10-02 8

美 국무부 종전선언에 대해 유연한 접근 의향 밝혀
The U.S. remains open to holding talks with North Korea.
That's coming from Washington's state department.
When asked by Voice of America about what was discussed regarding the declaration of an end to the Korean War during the meeting between top nuke envoy Lee Do-hoon and Stephen Biegun, the State Department said, the U.S. is willing to take a flexible approach to reach a balanced agreement on all of the Singapore summit commitments but North Korea must engage now while the window is open and refrain from provocations.
Biegun claims to have held "excellent" discussions with Lee on what he called "constructive ways" and "creative ideas" to advance diplomacy on the Peninsula.

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